Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Bean - 32/33 weeks

A little behind on my postings, and finally getting caught up. Week 32 came and went with little major news. I had my second growth check ultrasound to see how Ada was doing. My tech this time was very quick. I was in and out in maybe 30 minutes. Ada is in range on her growth, and the tech said they'd let me know if I needed to come back one more time.

These are probably the last pics we'll get before she arrives. The second is our one and only 3d image. Just not enough fluid around her head to give us a good image, but it's something.

This week was an awesome week at the doctor. I'm back in the "healthy" pregnancy category, even though I still have gd. This means no meds, no more growth checks and I get to go 2 weeks between appointments!! I get a week off from going up to the doctor (although we'll probably tour the l&d ward next week). I'm stoked :D This means I will officially make it to 35 weeks without having to add meds, giving me a total of 9 since diagnosis and 5 more to get through. I never thought I would do this well. I feel amazing. And on the plus side, I'm currently at a net gain of 2 pounds for my entire pregnancy. Depending on how the next 7ish weeks go, I could be back to my pre-pregnancy weight before she's even here (along with losing about 10 pounds at time of birth).

Also this week, we did maternity pictures. The weather cooperated and we were able to go out to East Beach for the shoot. I'm excited to see how they turned out. I'll definitely share some shots when we get them. No more news until week 35 though.

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