Monday, September 16, 2013

Are you ready for some football?

One exciting thing in our house is the beginning of football season. Both college and pro football keep us occupied on the weekends. Sometimes Beau and I end up in other rooms to watch our respective teams (if the games are being aired simultaneously). Of course, Ada has to help represent her parents' school pride. Given that we went to different schools (him Wisconsin, me Texas A&M), her outfits alternate from week to week. Of course there's no argument with pro (I sort of rooted for the Cowboys, but not really a true fan), we just have to get her some Packers gear.

I can't wait until Friday. We are doing her 9 month pictures with a football theme. Until then, here are some shots of her supporting the teams.

Supporting the Aggies for the season opener against Rice

 Ready to Jump Around as the Badger took on Tennessee Tech

On the bus to Aggieland for the Alabama pre-game
(we actually watched the game from Nini & Pop's house)

9 month update

Saturday was Ada's 9 month birthday. So crazy to think that we are merely 3 months away from her first birthday. Today we had our 9 month well check, which included our flu vaccination. She took it like a champ and only cried for a little bit. Officially she's 15 lbs and 26" tall, which fall into the 2nd and 7th percentiles respectively. She may be small for her age, but she proportionate and her head circumference (most important) is still in the 50th percentile.

We've been given the green light to start adding more carbs to her diet and start trying to swap solid snacks for bottles of formula. At this point, we can also start adding meats and more table food into her diet as well. This mom's gotta get back to introducing new foods into the diet. She has her picky days, which makes it harder at times to get the new things in there.

Each day she's doing more standing and "walking" around the furniture. She can stand unsupported for a few seconds before losing her balance. I'm sure that she'll be off and walking/running in the next month. In the meantime, she's cruising all over the house by crawling. She's amazingly quick, so we do our best to keep her contained. Stairs are also now a breeze for her. I try to let her crawl up them herself when we have the time.

The doctor today noticed 2 new teeth that are beginning to break through, her two lateral incisors on the top. We have a vampire baby on our hands now. Perhaps we'll be able to sing "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth" come December. This brings our total number of teeth to 3, none of which are fully through yet.

Lots of babbling has been going on for a while now, but I think she may finally be cognitively making sounds. Lots of mmmm/mamama when she wants something (food, me, etc). She's getting an understanding of simple commands. For example when I tell her to "watch her fingers" she'll pull them back from what ever I'm trying to close. However, there isn't always a guarantee that she'll do what's asked of her, especially no/stop/leave it. Ours is definitely a strong willed child.

9 months old (excited by J coming down the stairs) 

At Story Time at the Library with friends from MOMS group

8 months old

Once again, I've gotten a little behind with the updates; however, such is life with a little one. We crossed the 8 month mark on August 14. Unofficially, Ada Bean was 14.8 lbs and about 25.5" long. On her 8 month birthday, I felt her first tooth coming through! It was the bottom right incisor. Very exciting to finally have a tooth coming through.

By this time, we were able to start introducing more fruits and veggies into her diet. Things like melon, blueberries, regular potatoes, beets and turnips to name a few. In addition to these, we started trying more snacky-finger foods as well, like the Gerber Li'l Crunchies (man does she love those).

Just after passing 7 months, Ada got down her all-4's crawl and began to pull up on the coffee table and other furniture. I have to be constantly aware of what's on top of lower surfaces now. She's cruising everywhere and getting into everything.

We also joined the local MOMS group, which is for stay at home moms. We do playgroups and lots of fun outings with other moms and kids. It's been a great way to meet new people and socialize Ada.

8 months old, and such a ham! 

Helping Momma with Laundry