It's hard to believe how much she's grown in the past three months and how much she's changed. For the most part, Ada's a happy baby. We get lots of smiles and laughs each day (in addition to some fussy times). She's talking more and more each day and becoming interactive with toys and life around her. She wants to be able to see the world around her and feel included, even if that means Momma or Daddy has to hold her.
We set up her activity mat, which she really enjoys. Ada enjoys watching a couple TV shows, namely Dinosaur Train and Word World on PBS. So far, no rolling yet. More tummy time would help, but we aren't always keen on tummy time. I don't anticipate her getting teeth until she's closer to 7 months, but the drooling has begun. Might have to cave and start putting bibs on her soon.
Life is settling down nicely and we've gotten a decent schedule going now that Ada's a little bit older. I'm excited for our move and getting Ada her own dedicated space and not just a corner of our bedroom.
Three months old!