Our first week with Bean went as well as could be expected. We had a slew of visitors come by to meet her and drop off gifts. First were her Nini and Pop, who came down the day after she was born. They were so happy to get to meet her, and they were such a blessing to us helping with housework while we were still at the hospital. Most of our friends came and visited her once we were back home.
Even in the first few days we noticed her personality developing. She definitely likes being clothed, and swaddled up tight. Her favorite place to nap is in momma or daddy's arms, rather than her swing or bouncer.
It took us a few days to figure out our days and nights that first week. However, with some patience and work we got into a good routine. For the most part we spent that first week just trying to get a handle on life with a newborn.
One week old!