Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beau's 30th Birthday

Planning a surprise party is never easy. Any one who has ever planned and executed one probably knows that. I believe I encountered every possible obstacle when it came to seeing that this party went well. Two or three times I thought I'd never get it pulled off.

Despite potential problems, we some how made it all come together. The day of beau was supposed to go out with a friend in the morning, so I could decorate and prep. Everyone would come down and be here for when they got back. At the last minute he changed his mind and I panicked. Thankfully I have some good partners in crime. They decided to head down here and Zack kept J upstairs til we were ready. Somehow he didn't have any clue as to what was going on.

J's gift from CW, Connor picked it out

We had an 80's rock theme, complete with karaoke. It was quite fun and I think ended up being more of a sing-a-long though. Everyone seemed to know the choruses, but not the verses to the 80's songs we picked.

Zack and J singing to Tainted Love 

Jessica rocks out

All in all I think it was a great party and J had a lot of fun.

Bean Update - 14 weeks

Here we are, at week 14. We've made it successfully through the first trimester with very little problems. Yesterday was my monthly check up to see that all is progressing well. Sorry to say that I have no pictures to show of bean's growth. I will say that it's quite significant. While still no larger than a coke can, I was able to see a head, arms and hands on the sonogram. It was quite shocking! Still can't hear the heart beat, but I could see it on the monitor.

The next appointment is at the end of July. That's our anatomy check, make sure bean's developing well and to find out if our little bean is a boy or girl. I have several friends wanting us to do a gender reveal party. Still haven't made any decisions about that yet. Will let everyone know how we'll share the news.

Update: here's a pic of me at the end of week 14, with my tiny bump

Friday, June 1, 2012

Our big news!

It's been hard keeping this a secret this long. During the trip to Vegas, I started to get a little suspicious. So when I came home, I decided that it would be wise to take a pregnancy test.

Wouldn't you know, it came up positive! Boy were we shocked. Not because we didn't think it would happen, just not this quickly. Especially 2 weeks away from our move. It certainly made things interesting.

Our first appointment was at 7 weeks. My doctor was a little surprised to be seeing me again so soon. Found out about our bean a week after seeing her. Along with the myriad of testing they did that day, we also got to see our little bean for the first time.

Little bean (on the very right of the picture) measured 7 weeks and 3 days in size. The next appointment was at 10 weeks. Got great reports back about all the tests. We were able to see the bean with the belly sonogram (which wasn't the greatest resolution). The next appointment is later this month, and at the end of July we'll find out what we're having. We'll keep you posted on all the latest bean news.